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PEI’s state funding is at risk. Since 2015 PEI has had an ongoing proviso that supports our ability to offer workshops to teachers at no cost, and consultation to districts and community-based organizations and businesses at no or low cost. We are a critical STEM clock hour provider. Given the current budget shortfall, it is imperative that your legislators hear from you – their constituents – so they understand the value of the investment in FieldSTEM for their district.
We have prepared three documents to help you to help us
- Step by Step how to help PEI, how to contact your legislators and sign on to our letter including an option to Sign on to PEI’s Letter requesting support of FieldSTEM
- FieldSTEM Messaging Suggestions
- Roster of email contacts for legislators and their legislative aides
In particular the members of the House Appropriations Committee (see list below) will have the initial decision making power to include the FieldSTEM proviso in the budget, please ask them to support Rep. Reeve’s amendment to the budget which adds 1.5M. $750,000 in 2026 and $750,000 in 2027 to support FieldSTEM.
PEI delivers high-quality professional development and consultation services for educators in equitable, locally relevant, career connected, outdoor STEM education.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working statewide to achieve systemic change in Washington State by helping educators embed our FieldSTEM® Model in their classrooms, schools, and districts so their students develop into scientifically literate citizens, equipped to make balanced decisions for sustainable communities.
As a Washington-State-approved clock hour provider, all of our workshops meet the standards and definition of “professional learning” adopted by the Washington Legislature: a comprehensive, sustained, job-embedded and collaborative approach to improving teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness in raising student achievement. Our professional learning opportunities help formal teachers earn continuing education so they can renew their teaching certificates and support both formal and nonformal educators in advancing their careers and providing effective, community-connected, field-based STEM education for their students.
We’ve had comments like ‘This is the best workshop I’ve ever been to in my life.’ This type of collaboration brings the joy back into teaching and gives educators the license to dream big about what learning looks like for their students.